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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Review: Legacy of the Force (Part 2)

This is part 2 of my Betrayal review. No better than part 1 :P. Sorry not being able to pronounce things for my life. I do hope you get a few laughs at my tiredness in front of a camera. This video is completely unscripted. It is also my first review on camera. I do hope you enjoy it. Sorry if the video had caused you to become stupider.

Title of Book: Legacy of the Force (Book 1): Betrayal
Author: Aaron Allston

Reviewer: Emily (aka Waffles)
Youtube Channel: dumblogic1324 http://www.youtube.com/user/dumblogic1324

Reviews and comments on my blog.
Narratives, reviews and other random videos on my youtube channel.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Review: Legacy of the Force: Betrayal

This video is completely unscripted. It is also my first review on camera. I do hope you enjoy it.
Sorry if the video had caused you to become stupider.

Review: Betrayal had been hard to start with because I hadn't read the full New Jedi Order series of the Dark Nest Trilogy. The book does do a good job of explaining these things. Since it is a Star Wars book, it was full of irony. For intense, in the beginning the Solo's and Skywalker's meet up and have dinner in Han and Leia's apartment. At one point Leia ask Jacen about when she will have grand children. Jacen just states that Jaina will be the first to have kids. This is all said while a few light years away, in the Hapan Cluster, is Jacen's four year old daughter with her mother Tenel Ka. Many other things like this happens. Such things like this show how the Solo and Skywalker clans are slowly splitting. Allston does a great job of showing small problems that grow to become major conflicts in the other books. The only part I had a hard time understanding was when Jacen meets Lumiya. Jacen decided to listen to Lumiya's speech about Jacen being the next Sith Lord and that he will be the one to finally bring peace to the galaxy. My problem was that, Jacen knew how dark Lumiya was but still decided to side with her. It might just be Jacen being stupid, which wouldn't be surprising. But, why would he just decide to side with her? I didn't completely get it, but I did read the book within two days so maybe I just read it too fast. Either way, the book itself was good, but not quite great.

Title of Book: Legacy of the Force (Book 1): Betrayal
Author: Aaron Allston

Reviewer: Emily (aka Waffles)
Youtube Channel: dumblogic1324 http://www.youtube.com/user/dumblogic1324

Reviews and comments on my blog.
Narratives, reviews and other random videos on my youtube channel.

Monday, June 20, 2011


Starting the first week of July, I will be posting every week. I will be posting every Saturday. If something gets my attention over the week I may also post little things about such, but every week there will be one main post. I am working on movie and game reviews. Also comments on topics like older video game systems, like the Atari, or on things like Star Wars and Pokémon. I will continue this throughout the summer and hopefully through the fall.
Hope you enjoy the new content.
Happy Blogging!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Review: The Maze Runner

I recently had a friend bugging me to read the book, the Maze Runner. I finally got the chance to get the book and read it. I was told it was a great science fiction book from my friend, who also says she isn't really into sci-fi.
The book is bascially about this kid is brought up in a huge metal box into the middle of a maze. The Glade, the middle of the maze, is a place where dozens of teenage boys live and surivive. With his memory of people he knew or details about how he knew certain things discarded, Thomas, the main charcter, is brought up and introduced to the other boys of the Glade. After a confusing day of no answers and strange people, Thomas sleeps peacefully. The next day is madness. A new kid is brought up in the Box, like Thomas and all the other boys, but it is different. For two years, one boy would come up every month. And to make things stranger, the Box is opened only to see a girl. She yells things about everything changing and holds a note saying so too. Thomas goes through the book trying to find the exit out of the Maze, to get revenge on the Creators, the people who sent them there.
I found it to be quite an intersting read. It was a thrilling story with some twist thrown in. I would not call it science fiction, but it could be considered to be so. The book takes you on a massive adventure with Thomas to solve the Maze. It was able to keep my attention and most of the time I could not put it down. Thomas became one of my favorite book charcters, along with Newt, one of the other boys in the Maze and a friend of Thomas.
I am currently working on reading the Scorch Trials, the sequel, and so this review is not corrupted with that perspective. I would honestly say that this is in my top ten list of books. I would recommend this book if you like adventure and action in a book. If you are looking for something motivative or romantic, then why are you reading my blog? I'm just messing with you, but I do say you should read it.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

World of Warcraft: Old Content Today

I have been playing WoW, World of Warcraft, since the middle of Burning Crusade. I remeber how hard the content was then and I've heard many stories of the hardships in Vanilla, the orignal WoW. In Wrath of the Lich King, I was very into leveling charcters to reroll and raiding. I was so devoted to raiding that I began to stop having fun doing it. Today in Cataclysm, I play less and use my time to go on my main, an 85 warrior, and going back and doing some of the old content and being an achievement whore.
Since I haven't been playing much of the Cataclysm content and have almpst every class maxed level, I have been working on Loremaster. Doing this title has shown me how much of the content had been changed in Azeroth. Now you can go to zones, such as Thousand Needles or Hillsbread Foothills, and see a huge difference in landscape and quest. But there are still zones that have changed landscape but have the same basic quest as they did in Vanilla, like Northern Barrens and Strangethorn Vale.
With the content of Burning Crusade, they hadn't changed it. Or thats how it appears. Doing Loremaster there I see very little changes. But when I quest there on characters at that level I find it now easier then in the actually days of BC. Even without BoA's (Bind of Account gear), the questing seems to be much easier.
I haven't notice any difference with Wrath of the Lich King. I haven't really tried to hard since I am sick and tired of Northrend and it's quest. I have leveled five horde and one alliance through Northrend during Wrath so I try to avoid it now a days.
The old content of World of Warcraft of passed expansions, besides some of Azeroth, seem the same but easier. What do you think?